Just in time for the holidays, Lego teams up with Target to offer a terrific Target gift card set. Catch them while you can! NOTE: the Target trademark which is the eye of the dog is a 1×1 brick with a printed red bullseye!

This is the Lego Target gift card packaging. The clear plastic case holds 31 Lego pieces and instructions. On the back of the case is a bar-code which is swiped to redeem the gift card. You can choose the amount to put on the card at thve register.
I talked to a store manager at Target and this is not available. How do I purchase this?
Thank you.
The people I talked to at our local Target were clueless about the gift cards, but they showed up on the racks near the cards the next day! The gift cards are arriving in boxes throughout the season, and so even if your store doesn’t have them now, they may get them soon.
This is not available in TYarget. Do you offer it?
I do not have these gift cards for sale… if your local Target doesn’t have them in the store, you can order them online at Target.. The main difference is that the online version will require a $25 amount put on the gift card, while the store version allows you choose any amount (I put $5 on the cards I bought).