During the first weekend in May, we’ll be in Raleigh, NC, at BrickMagic 2011 with lots of LEGO Modulex on display and for sale. Will you be there? We’ve put together a special edition mini-kit for the goodie bag that exhibitors will receive. We’ll also have some of the mini-kits available for purchase during the public hours.
Check out the video about BrickMagic that aired on Carolina Today.
I built a mini block vending machine and was wondering if you could make it a kit, I have many ideas! I went to brickfair bought a set, Lego mini bricks in a mini tub, and some pieces. Another thing, the vending machine works and my other idea is…… A Volkswagon Beetle Car, if you use the ideas I will be so happy! I Enjoy Your Mini Bricks!